Create a badge Loyalty Program Reward & Loyalty
Create a badge Loyalty Program Rewards program & Loyalty program
Introduction of the scheme
Store Info
Store Website, Contact Number, Locations
Rewards program details
Loyalty Program Webpage, Terms & Conditions
Point Enquiry
Options for Checking Point Balance
User Review
Tips, Deals & Discussions
Last Update: Saturday, August 6, 2022
Create a badge Loyalty Program Business Overview
Merchant website info and Create a badge Loyalty Program account point check.
Business Hightlights
Personalised Badges | Hen Night Badges | Photo Badges | School Badges -
Personalised Badges. Hen Night, School, Photo, Promotional, Party, Birthday, Stag Night, Logo Badges. We can put anything you like on Badges, expedited delivery available.
Create a badge Loyalty Program Merchant Information
Website, contact number and rewards & loyalty program information for .
Create a badge Loyalty Program Loyalty & Rewards
Create a badge Loyalty Program rewards & loyalty program links. Convenient way to manage points on the fly in
Loyalty & Rewards Program
Loyalty Points -
Personalised Badges. Hen Night, School, Photo, Promotional, Party, Birthday, Stag Night, Logo Badges. We can put anything you like on Badges, expedited delivery available. Rewards Show
Loyalty & Rewards Links
rewards & loyalty program web page, terms & conditions for Create a badge Loyalty Program.
Loyalty & Rewards Insights
Loyalty Points -
Loyalty Points are awarded on the basis of 1 point for every £1 spent on products (not including postage or delivery) Each Loyalty Point is worth 5 pence Bonus Loyalty Points are awarded from time to time in our newsletter Loyalty Points are valid for 12 months and are non-transferable. You need 100 points or more to redeem them
Loyalty points on all purchase from registered customers
Loyalty Points Terms and Conditions . Loyalty Points are awarded on the basis of 1 point for every £1 spent on products (not including postage or delivery) Each Loyalty Point is worth 5 pence ; Bonus Loyalty Points are awarded from time to time ; Loyalty Points are valid for 12 months and are non-transferable. You need 100 points or more to ...
Hen Night Badges - Photo Badges | School Badges -
77mm - £1.50 each. with discounts available when purchasing larger amounts. Personalised badges can be used for many occasions, including Hen Nights, Stag Nights, Parties, Birthdays, Weddings, Christmas, Baby showers, Staff id, School Promotions, Company Advertising, Childrens Parties, Company Events, Staff Reward/Promotion, Funerals etc.
Site Map -
Loyalty Points; Blog. Loyalty points on all purchase from registered customers; Custom Design Badges. Custom personalised 38mm badges your artwork, image, logo; Custom personalised 55mm badges your artwork, image, logo; Custom personalised 77mm badges your artwork, image, logo; Photo Badges. Personalised custom photo badge for any occasion
About Us -
About Us. Create a Badge specialise in making personalised 38mm, 55mm, and 77mm badges. We have badges with different designs on you can select, or you can purchase our custom design badges and upload your pictures, logo, and we will design a badge for you.
Personalised custom badges -
For the personalisation details just enter the text and customisation requirements in the boxes provided within the individual products. These are available to purchase in our 38mm, 55mm, or 77mm size badges. Our prices are simple: 38mm - £0.90 each. 55mm - £1.00 each. 77mm - £1.50 each. Postage is £3.99 (1st class within the UK) regardless ...
Blog -
Loyalty points now available on all purchases - for registered customers Friday, 16 March 2012 | Admin [ Go Top | Site Map | Contact Us | Terms and Conditions]
Lead Times -
Personalised Badges. Hen Night, School, Photo, Promotional, Party, Birthday, Stag Night, Logo Badges. We can put anything you like on Badges, expedited delivery ...
Create a badge Loyalty Program Loyalty & Rewards Point
You can find out Create a badge Loyalty Program point balance by visit store counter/ help desk.
Loyalty & Rewards Point Check
How-to Point Check
Personalised Badges. Hen Night, School, Photo, Promotional, Party, Birthday, Stag Night, Logo Badges. We can put anything you like on Badges, expedited delivery available.
Loyalty & Rewards Links
Information for Create a badge Loyalty Program Rewards Show inquiry to see remaining balance and transactions.
Online Check
Check point balance online at
Check Receipt
Check shopping receipt for points
Store Counter
Visit store counter or help desk for balance
Online balance: follow the link to merchant's official program website. You will need to fill in account number and pin so as to retrieve card balance.
Phone call: call the merchant's support number and provide card details, you will be able to get reward points on the phone.
Invoice/ Receipt: the remaining points of the card is printed on the shopping invoice / receipt.
Store Counter: usually the program points could be looked up at shop or store counter