Hodder Gibson Loyalty Scheme इनाम और वफादारी
Hodder Gibson Loyalty Scheme पुरस्कार कार्यक्रम और वफादारी कार्यक्रम
स्टोर जानकारी
स्टोर वेबसाइट, संपर्क नंबर, स्थान
पुरस्कार कार्यक्रम विवरण
लॉयल्टी प्रोग्राम वेबपेज, नियम एवं शर्तें
बिंदु पूछताछ
प्वाइंट बैलेंस जांचने के विकल्प
उपयोगकर्ता समीक्षा
युक्तियाँ, सौदे और चर्चाएँ
Last Update: गुरुवार, 30 जून 2022
Hodder Gibson Loyalty Scheme व्यापार अवलोकन
व्यापारी की वेबसाइट की जानकारी और Hodder Gibson Loyalty Scheme खाता बिंदु की जाँच करें।
बिजनेस हाइलाइट्स
Textbooks & Resources - Scottish Curriculum By Hodder Gibson
Hodder Gibson is the leading educational publisher in Scotland, providing the widest range of resources from textbooks, eTextbooks, revision materials & more.
Hodder Gibson Loyalty Scheme व्यापारी सूचना
वेबसाइट, संपर्क नंबर और पुरस्कार एवं वफादारी कार्यक्रम की जानकारी .
Hodder Gibson Loyalty Scheme वफादारी और पुरस्कार
Hodder Gibson Loyalty Scheme पुरस्कार और वफादारी कार्यक्रम लिंक। फ़्लाई इन पर पॉइंट प्रबंधित करने का सुविधाजनक तरीका
वफादारी और पुरस्कार कार्यक्रम
Loyalty Scheme - Hodder Gibson
When you complete any of the activities below you will receive points which will be stamped onto your online loyalty card. (1 point = 1 slice of cake)
Activity Points Value Submit a review 3 points Share content via social media or email 2 points Submit feedback 2 points Download a free document 1 point Sign up for eUpdates (first time only) 1 pointYou need to gain 10 points/slices of cake to get to Level 1 and your first reward, which will be emailed to you. You can then continue to collect points/slices of cake and receive a reward each time you collect 10 points. You just need to make sure you are logged into your account before you complete any activity. You will be able to track your progress easily in ''My Account'' and see how many points you have at any time. *These activities are only applicable to customers associated with an institution.
https://www.hoddergibson.co.uk Rewards Show
वफादारी और पुरस्कार लिंक
पुरस्कार और वफादारी कार्यक्रम वेब पेज, Hodder Gibson Loyalty Scheme के लिए नियम और शर्तें।
आधिकारिक वफादारी कार्यक्रम
वफादारी और पुरस्कार अंतर्दृष्टि
Primary Mathematical Support Materials | Teejay Maths - Hodder Gibson
TeeJay Primary Maths. Resources for Early, First, Second and Third Levels. The TeeJay range includes write-in booklets, textbooks, homework packs, assessment packs and mental maths packs, plus all-new mastery resources for 2020. Find out more. Join today.
Free Course Planners - TeeJay Maths - Hodder Gibson
Free course planners for TeeJay Maths FREE course planners are available for each Level of the Curriculum for Excellence. The planners map the CfE Outcomes to the content in each TeeJay Maths book, providing peace of mind for teachers that they are covering the required content in a carefully-planned sequence.
TeeJay Textbooks & Resources - Hodder Gibson
TeeJay is Scotland’s No. 1 Maths publisher, providing the only unified set of Maths resources that takes pupils from Primary 1 through to Secondary 6. Explore the brand new resources for CfE First Level Literacy and English. Browse now.
Primary Literacy and English | Teejay - Hodder Gibson
Introducing a brand-new suite of resources for CfE First and Second Level Literacy and English from TeeJay! Designed by a team of expert authors, this range provides comprehensive, consistent coverage of the whole CfE curriculum and includes Textbooks, eBooks, Teaching Guides, Assessment Packs and Practice Packs.
RS Assessment from Hodder Education - Hodder Gibson
Provides three parallel forms, gives standardised scores as well as reading ages, includes an optional new measure of reading comprehension, and extends the test ‘ceiling’ for less able readers to 13+.
Business Management Workbooks and Resources for the Scottish Curriculum
Resources for National 5 and Higher Business Management. Our range includes textbooks and eTextbooks, revision guides and exam practice books. We also run online student revision webinars.
TeeJay Maths Digital Resources - hoddergibson.co.uk
eTextbooks for students PDF resources for teachers. At TeeJay Maths we want to support teachers and pupils with home schooling/remote learning as much as we can, so we’ve created a brand-new digital library, which contains:
Textbooks & Resources - Scottish Curriculum By Hodder Gibson
Hodder Gibson is the leading educational publisher in Scotland, providing the widest range of resources from textbooks, eTextbooks, revision materials & more.
Hodder Gibson Loyalty Scheme वफादारी और पुरस्कार बिंदु
आप स्टोर काउंटर/हेल्प डेस्क पर जाकर Hodder Gibson Loyalty Scheme प्वाइंट बैलेंस का पता लगा सकते हैं।
वफादारी और पुरस्कार बिंदु जांच
बिंदुवार जांच कैसे करें
When you complete any of the activities below you will receive points which will be stamped onto your online loyalty card. (1 point = 1 slice of cake)
Activity Points Value Submit a review 3 points Share content via social media or email 2 points Submit feedback 2 points Download a free document 1 point Sign up for eUpdates (first time only) 1 pointYou need to gain 10 points/slices of cake to get to Level 1 and your first reward, which will be emailed to you. You can then continue to collect points/slices of cake and receive a reward each time you collect 10 points. You just need to make sure you are logged into your account before you complete any activity. You will be able to track your progress easily in ''My Account'' and see how many points you have at any time. *These activities are only applicable to customers associated with an institution.
वफादारी और पुरस्कार लिंक
की जानकारी Hodder Gibson Loyalty Scheme शेष शेष राशि और लेनदेन देखने के लिए पुरस्कार शो पूछताछ.
ऑनलाइन जाँच
पॉइंट बैलेंस ऑनलाइन चेक करें
फोन कॉल
कॉल करें और प्वाइंट चेक करें
रसीद की जाँच करें
अंकों के लिए खरीदारी रसीद की जाँच करें
स्टोर काउंटर
शेष राशि के लिए स्टोर काउंटर या हेल्प डेस्क पर जाएँ
ऑनलाइन बैलेंस: व्यापारी की आधिकारिक कार्यक्रम वेबसाइट के लिंक का अनुसरण करें। कार्ड की शेष राशि प्राप्त करने के लिए आपको खाता संख्या और पिन भरना होगा।
फ़ोन कॉल: व्यापारी के सहायता नंबर पर कॉल करें और कार्ड विवरण प्रदान करें, आप फ़ोन पर रिवॉर्ड पॉइंट प्राप्त कर सकेंगे।
चालान/रसीद: कार्ड के शेष बिंदु शॉपिंग चालान/रसीद पर मुद्रित होते हैं।
स्टोर काउंटर: आमतौर पर कार्यक्रम बिंदु दुकान या स्टोर काउंटर पर देखे जा सकते हैं