Living Rewards Card इनाम और वफादारी
Living Rewards Card पुरस्कार कार्यक्रम और वफादारी कार्यक्रम
स्टोर जानकारी
स्टोर वेबसाइट, संपर्क नंबर, स्थान
पुरस्कार कार्यक्रम विवरण
लॉयल्टी प्रोग्राम वेबपेज, नियम एवं शर्तें
बिंदु पूछताछ
प्वाइंट बैलेंस जांचने के विकल्प
उपयोगकर्ता समीक्षा
युक्तियाँ, सौदे और चर्चाएँ
Last Update: मंगलवार, 14 सितंबर 2021
Living Rewards Card व्यापार अवलोकन
व्यापारी की वेबसाइट की जानकारी और Living Rewards Card खाता बिंदु की जाँच करें।
बिजनेस हाइलाइट्स
How it worksYou''ll earn 1 point for every dollar you spend on retail purchases and 1 point for every paid prescription item at any Unichem or Life Pharmacy nationwide. When you reach 150 points, you''ll get a $10 voucher to spend in store.You have 3 months to use your voucher and points last a year. *Points are calculated at $1 = 1 point for each retail item using Swedish rounding, not on total transaction spend. Prescriptions and pharmacy services = 1 point per paid item. Exclusions apply to purchases of gift cards, hearing aids, audiology services, calling cards and mobile top-ups, beauty services and booking fees, hire equipment fees, shipping, handling and gift wrapping.
Find out more
Living Rewards Card व्यापारी सूचना
वेबसाइट, संपर्क नंबर और पुरस्कार एवं वफादारी कार्यक्रम की जानकारी Living Rewards Card.
Living Rewards Card वफादारी और पुरस्कार
Living Rewards Card पुरस्कार और वफादारी कार्यक्रम लिंक। फ़्लाई इन पर पॉइंट प्रबंधित करने का सुविधाजनक तरीका
वफादारी और पुरस्कार कार्यक्रम
When shopping in-store, no, we can find your Living Rewards membership in our system by searching for your name, phone number or address. If you have a common name this may take some time. When shopping online at, you do need to sign in to your Living Rewards account first using your registered email or card number, and your self-selected password. To register your card for shopping online, visit Rewards Show
वफादारी और पुरस्कार लिंक
पुरस्कार और वफादारी कार्यक्रम वेब पेज, Living Rewards Card के लिए नियम और शर्तें।
आधिकारिक वफादारी कार्यक्रम
वफादारी और पुरस्कार अंतर्दृष्टि
Living Rewards Loyalty Programme Terms & Conditions
The Living Rewards programme is operated by Green Cross Health. Living Rewards is exclusive to Unichem and Life Pharmacy. Membership is free. You must have a ...
Contact centre hours are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm Phone 0800 762 672 Fax (09) 571 9081 Email You may also find a solution to your problem in our troubleshooting list for FAQs Lost your card?
Living Rewards
HOW IT WORKS. You''ll earn 1 point for every dollar you spend on retail purchases and 1 point for every paid prescription item at any Unichem or Life Pharmacy ...
Living Rewards
Do I earn points on everything I purchase? ... Why are prescriptions only 1 point? ... Forgot to swipe your Living Rewards card on a purchase?
Living Rewards
We used to run the loyalty programmes Living Card at Life Pharmacy and Radius Rewards at Radius Pharmacy however these were merged to become Living Rewards when ...
Living Rewards Loyalty Programme Terms & Conditions
When you accumulate 150 Points within a 12 month rolling period a $10 Living Rewards voucher will be issued and available for you to spend when you next shop at a participating Unichem or Life Pharmacy or online at Any remaining points not falling within a multiple of 150 will represent your new points balance.
Living Rewards
You''ll earn 1 point for every $1 spend on retail items and 1 point for each script item purchased. Once you achieve 150 points, you will be rewarded with a ...
loyalty-pwa-example - Living Rewards
Living Rewards is accepted at over 350 Unichem and Life Pharmacies nationwide. It’s easy and convenient to earn points and redeem vouchers on your everyday health and beauty needs as well as on your prescription items. In addition to earning points and rewards, as a Living Rewards member you get access to other exclusive benefits including:
Living Rewards
Not a Living Rewards Member? Join Here. Shop online. Life Pharmacy Logo · Unichem Logo · Green Cross Health Logo. Proudly New Zealand Owned and Operated ...
Sign in & continue. Forgot Password. Not a Living Rewards Member? Join Here.
Living Rewards
The Living Rewards card is a loyalty membership, allowing you to earn points on your purchases. You cannot earn Living Rewards points on purchasing gift cards ...
Living Rewards
Living Rewards Membership · Living Rewards Vouchers · Living Rewards Points · Living Rewards Card · Promotions, Emails & Special Offers · Using the website ...
Contact centre hours are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm Phone 0800 762 672 Fax (09) 571 9081 Email You may also find a solution to your problem in our troubleshooting list for FAQs Lost your card?
Communications Preferences. Most Living Rewards communications are via email. You can change your communication preferences at any time via the My Profile page on your Living Rewards account.
Promotions, Emails & Special Offers
ISP’s such as Gmail, Hotmail, and Outlook and your network or security settings can sometimes send emails directly to your junk folder. Living Rewards employ the best email marketing standards to maintain reputation and assist with delivery, however, ISP’s frequently change their settings.
Living Rewards Card वफादारी और पुरस्कार बिंदु
आप स्टोर काउंटर/हेल्प डेस्क पर जाकर Living Rewards Card प्वाइंट बैलेंस का पता लगा सकते हैं।
वफादारी और पुरस्कार बिंदु जांच
बिंदुवार जांच कैसे करें
When shopping in-store, no, we can find your Living Rewards membership in our system by searching for your name, phone number or address. If you have a common name this may take some time. When shopping online at, you do need to sign in to your Living Rewards account first using your registered email or card number, and your self-selected password. To register your card for shopping online, visit
वफादारी और पुरस्कार लिंक
की जानकारी Living Rewards Card शेष शेष राशि और लेनदेन देखने के लिए पुरस्कार शो पूछताछ.
ऑनलाइन जाँच
पॉइंट बैलेंस ऑनलाइन चेक करें
फोन कॉल
कॉल करें और प्वाइंट चेक करें
रसीद की जाँच करें
अंकों के लिए खरीदारी रसीद की जाँच करें
स्टोर काउंटर
शेष राशि के लिए स्टोर काउंटर या हेल्प डेस्क पर जाएँ
ऑनलाइन बैलेंस: व्यापारी की आधिकारिक कार्यक्रम वेबसाइट के लिंक का अनुसरण करें। कार्ड की शेष राशि प्राप्त करने के लिए आपको खाता संख्या और पिन भरना होगा।
फ़ोन कॉल: व्यापारी के सहायता नंबर पर कॉल करें और कार्ड विवरण प्रदान करें, आप फ़ोन पर रिवॉर्ड पॉइंट प्राप्त कर सकेंगे।
चालान/रसीद: कार्ड के शेष बिंदु शॉपिंग चालान/रसीद पर मुद्रित होते हैं।
स्टोर काउंटर: आमतौर पर कार्यक्रम बिंदु दुकान या स्टोर काउंटर पर देखे जा सकते हैं