Mad Mex Members Los Locos Loyalty Récompense et fidélité

Mad Mex Members Los Locos Loyalty Programme de récompenses et programme de fidélité

Introduction du régime
Informations sur le magasin
Site Web du magasin, numéro de contact, emplacements
Détails du programme de récompenses
Page Web du programme de fidélité, Termes et conditions
Demande de point
Options de vérification de l’équilibre des points
Avis des utilisateurs
Conseils, offres et discussions
Last Update: samedi 6 août 2022
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Mad Mex Members Los Locos Loyalty Aperçu de l'entreprise

Informations sur le site Web du marchand et vérification du point de compte Mad Mex Members Los Locos Loyalty.

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Fresh Fuel For Life - We''re fresh and healthy Mexican food, that will give you the right kind of fuel, to get the most out of life!

Mad Mex Members Los Locos Loyalty Informations sur le marchand

Site Web, numéro de contact et informations sur les récompenses et le programme de fidélité pour .

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Mad Mex Members Los Locos Loyalty Fidélité et récompenses

Mad Mex Members Los Locos Loyalty des liens vers des récompenses et des programmes de fidélité. Un moyen pratique de gérer les points à la volée

Programme de fidélité et de récompenses

Loyalty - Mad Mex

Information on how to enter and prizes form part of these conditions. By participating, entrants agree to be bound by these conditions. Entries must comply with these conditions to be valid.Entry is open to residents of New Zealand over 18 years of age. Employees, directors, management and the immediate families of the Promoter and its agencies associated with this competition are ineligible to enter.To enter:Visit the Mad Mex Facebook Page Chat Bot during the promotional period. Entrants must cast their vote and explain WHY they have voted either “HECK YES” or “HELL NO”Competition start date is August 25th, 2019, 9.00am. Competition end date is September 29th, 2019 at 11.59pm NZT. During the promotion period entrants that provide their vote and explain why will be in the running to win the prize.All answers will be judged by October 5th, 2019 and the answer best fitting the criteria will win a Travel Voucher to the value of $1000. This voucher will be subject to the terms and conditions of the supplier.The winner will be notified within 48 hours of the judging date. The winner will be notified by the contact details provided when entering the competition.Entries will be selected based on skill and will be judged by the Mad Mex Marketing Department.If the prize remains unclaimed after 2 weeks following contacting the winner, the promoter may conduct further judgement to determine a new winner.The Promoter shall not be liable for any loss, damage or injury suffered or sustained (even if caused by negligence) as a result of accepting and/or using a prize, except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law.The Promoter reserves the right to request verification of age, place of employment, identity, residential address of winners and any other information relevant to entry into or participation in this promotion. Verification is at the discretion of the Promoter; whose decision is final. The Promoter reserves the right to disqualify any individual who is involved in any way in interfering or tampering with the conduct of this promotion.The promoter reserves the right to use the name of the winner along with the right to request photography for promotional purposes.The Promoter assumes no responsibility for any failure to receive an entry or for inaccurate information or for any loss, damage or injury as a result of technical or telecommunications problems, including security breaches. If such problems arise, then the Promoter may modify the competition.Entrants confirm and promise that their entry is original and does not infringe the intellectual property rights of any third party.By participating, entrants agree that ownership of and intellectual property in their entry is assigned to the Promoter.The Promoter is Mad Men Enterprises Ltd) Level 1, 108 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby, Auckland, NZ. Rewards Show

Liens de fidélité et de récompenses

page Web du programme de récompenses et de fidélité, termes et conditions pour Mad Mex Members Los Locos Loyalty.

Programme de fidélité officiel
Acheter une carte en ligne
Région de la carte

Informations sur la fidélité et les récompenses

  • 2022年新作 セット TWICE - K-POP/アジア ... Fatyi Twice Gift Set with Lomo Card, Photocard Set, Merch With Sticker, 3D Sticker, Pen, Mirror, Wristband, Lanyard, Notebook and Hanging Flag, ...

Mad Mex Members Los Locos Loyalty Points fidélité et récompenses

Vous pouvez trouver Mad Mex Members Los Locos Loyalty solde de points par visit store / service d’assistance.

Vérification des points de fidélité et de récompenses

Vérification des points pratiques

Information on how to enter and prizes form part of these conditions. By participating, entrants agree to be bound by these conditions. Entries must comply with these conditions to be valid.Entry is open to residents of New Zealand over 18 years of age. Employees, directors, management and the immediate families of the Promoter and its agencies associated with this competition are ineligible to enter.To enter:Visit the Mad Mex Facebook Page Chat Bot during the promotional period. Entrants must cast their vote and explain WHY they have voted either “HECK YES” or “HELL NO”Competition start date is August 25th, 2019, 9.00am. Competition end date is September 29th, 2019 at 11.59pm NZT. During the promotion period entrants that provide their vote and explain why will be in the running to win the prize.All answers will be judged by October 5th, 2019 and the answer best fitting the criteria will win a Travel Voucher to the value of $1000. This voucher will be subject to the terms and conditions of the supplier.The winner will be notified within 48 hours of the judging date. The winner will be notified by the contact details provided when entering the competition.Entries will be selected based on skill and will be judged by the Mad Mex Marketing Department.If the prize remains unclaimed after 2 weeks following contacting the winner, the promoter may conduct further judgement to determine a new winner.The Promoter shall not be liable for any loss, damage or injury suffered or sustained (even if caused by negligence) as a result of accepting and/or using a prize, except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law.The Promoter reserves the right to request verification of age, place of employment, identity, residential address of winners and any other information relevant to entry into or participation in this promotion. Verification is at the discretion of the Promoter; whose decision is final. The Promoter reserves the right to disqualify any individual who is involved in any way in interfering or tampering with the conduct of this promotion.The promoter reserves the right to use the name of the winner along with the right to request photography for promotional purposes.The Promoter assumes no responsibility for any failure to receive an entry or for inaccurate information or for any loss, damage or injury as a result of technical or telecommunications problems, including security breaches. If such problems arise, then the Promoter may modify the competition.Entrants confirm and promise that their entry is original and does not infringe the intellectual property rights of any third party.By participating, entrants agree that ownership of and intellectual property in their entry is assigned to the Promoter.The Promoter is Mad Men Enterprises Ltd) Level 1, 108 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby, Auckland, NZ.


Liens de fidélité et de récompenses

Informations pour Mad Mex Members Los Locos Loyalty Récompenses Afficher la demande pour voir le solde et les transactions restants.

Vérification en ligne
 loyalty point checker online
Vérifier le solde de points en ligne à l’adresse
Appel et point de contrôle par
Vérifier le reçu
Vérifier le reçu d’achat pour les points
Comptoir du magasin
Visitez le comptoir du magasin ou le service d’assistance pour l’équilibre
  • Solde en ligne : suivez le lien vers le site officiel du programme marchand. Vous devrez remplir le numéro de compte et le code PIN afin de récupérer le solde de la carte.
  • Appel téléphonique: appelez le numéro d’assistance du commerçant et fournissez les détails de la carte, vous pourrez obtenir des points de récompense au téléphone.
  • Facture / Reçu: les points restants de la carte sont imprimés sur la facture / reçu d’achat.
  • Comptoir du magasin: habituellement, les points du programme peuvent être consultés au magasin ou au comptoir du magasin

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