Halewood Academy Student Rewards Belohnung & Loyalität

Halewood Academy Student Rewards Prämienprogramm & Treueprogramm

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Last Update: Freitag, 12. August 2022
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Halewood Academy Student Rewards Treue und Belohnungen

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Treue- und Prämienprogramm

Halewood Academy - Student Rewards

At Halewood Academy, we believe pupils that have an outstanding attitude to learning and make a real effort to go above and beyond should be acknowledged and rewarded.Halewood Academy RewardsPupils will be accumulate ‘Achievement Points’ over the year. These points are logged on Class Charts by staff.There are a wide variety of ways to collect points which include:Achieving a grade 1 in a lesson by exceeding expectations and going above and beyondDemonstrating the schools Core Values (Resilience, Aspirations, Collaboration, Excellence, Respect)Contributing to the school community (Representing the school, assisting with school events etc)Displaying high levels of Literacy, Numeracy or STEAM skills and understandingAvailable RewardsAt the end of each half term the highest scoring pupils will receive rewards. These are based on pupil voice feedback so that they engage and inspire the pupils.The highest scoring pupil across the whole school will also receive a Head Teacher Award certificate to acknowledge the fantastic effort and hard work they have demonstrated during that half term. Certificates for students regularly demonstrating the schools Core Values will also be issued. Clarity for pupilsForm tutors can share with students the total points they have earned so they can keep up to date with their progress.Parents & Students can also monitor their points via the Class Charts App using their codes sent in the post or they can get them from their form tutor.Dual purpose systemApart from rewarding students, the system is also set-up to promote healthy competition between students, Form Groups and Year groups. Students will inspire each other to collect more Achievement points throughout the year when they see others succeed. Additional Awards Other examples of rewards that pupils may also be awarded throughout the year are:Break vouchers which are given to the form with the best attendance each week.Year group raffles to raise standards and expectations

https://www.halewoodacademy.co.uk Rewards Show

Treue- und Prämienlinks

Rewards & Loyalty Program Webseite, Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen für Halewood Academy Student Rewards.

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Halewood Academy Student Rewards Treue- und Prämienpunkt

Sie können Halewood Academy Student Rewards Punktestand herausfinden, indem Sie shop-Ladentheke / Helpdesk besuchen.

Treue- und Prämienpunkte-Check


At Halewood Academy, we believe pupils that have an outstanding attitude to learning and make a real effort to go above and beyond should be acknowledged and rewarded.Halewood Academy RewardsPupils will be accumulate ‘Achievement Points’ over the year. These points are logged on Class Charts by staff.There are a wide variety of ways to collect points which include:Achieving a grade 1 in a lesson by exceeding expectations and going above and beyondDemonstrating the schools Core Values (Resilience, Aspirations, Collaboration, Excellence, Respect)Contributing to the school community (Representing the school, assisting with school events etc)Displaying high levels of Literacy, Numeracy or STEAM skills and understandingAvailable RewardsAt the end of each half term the highest scoring pupils will receive rewards. These are based on pupil voice feedback so that they engage and inspire the pupils.The highest scoring pupil across the whole school will also receive a Head Teacher Award certificate to acknowledge the fantastic effort and hard work they have demonstrated during that half term. Certificates for students regularly demonstrating the schools Core Values will also be issued. Clarity for pupilsForm tutors can share with students the total points they have earned so they can keep up to date with their progress.Parents & Students can also monitor their points via the Class Charts App using their codes sent in the post or they can get them from their form tutor.Dual purpose systemApart from rewarding students, the system is also set-up to promote healthy competition between students, Form Groups and Year groups. Students will inspire each other to collect more Achievement points throughout the year when they see others succeed. Additional Awards Other examples of rewards that pupils may also be awarded throughout the year are:Break vouchers which are given to the form with the best attendance each week.Year group raffles to raise standards and expectations


Treue- und Prämienlinks

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  • Online-Guthaben: Folgen Sie dem Link zur offiziellen Programm-Website des Händlers. Sie müssen die Kontonummer und die PIN eingeben, um das Kartenguthaben abzurufen.
  • Telefonanruf: Rufen Sie die Support-Nummer des Händlers an und geben Sie Kartendetails an, damit Sie Prämienpunkte am Telefon erhalten können.
  • Rechnung/Quittung: Die restlichen Punkte der Karte sind auf der Einkaufsrechnung/Quittung aufgedruckt.
  • Store Counter: In der Regel können die Programmpunkte im Shop oder Store Counter nachgeschlagen werden

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