The Safe Homes Rewards Belohnung & Loyalität

The Safe Homes Rewards Prämienprogramm & Treueprogramm

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Last Update: Sonntag, 24. Juli 2022
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Every day we lose around 75 human lives in India due to fire accidents only. A fact that is acceptable to none. The surveys and reports say that the majority of the casualties due to fire accidents in the domestic sector happen due to lack of fire safety awareness and non-availability of firefighting equipment at our homes. Considering the traffic conditions in our cities, it''s too difficult for the fire brigade to reach at the time of need. And Fire is such a thing that needs immediate attention. The more we give time, the more it becomes out of our control. So, we need portable fire fighting equipment at our homes and awareness regarding how to use it. Safe Homes is here to protect you from fire accidents in collaboration with some of India''s Top Fire Protection Brands. To know more about our fire fighting equipment, that is delivered to anywhere in India with zero delivery charges, visit our products page. As there is lack of awareness regarding fire safety, we provide cash rewards, for those who keep the message of fire safety forward, in the way of Direct Referral Commission and Indirect Referral Commission. Which can also be used as an opportunity of earnings by those who have some spare time. To know more about our Reward Programme, kindly visit our Rewards Page. By this we will ensure the fire safety of each and every household in India as well as will generate employment opportunities. We call it Safety, Service and Rewards.

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Treue- und Prämienprogramm

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Rewards Our Service Partners are the backbone of our Dream of making India fire safe. Any person after going through a successful purchase from us can become our Service Partner and then only He / She can make others aware regarding fire safety and refer to buy products from us. We have two types of rewards for our Service Partners, Direct Referral Commission (calculated on Direct Business Value) and Indirect Referral Commission (calculated on Indirect Business Value). Direct Business Value is the Total Successful Subsequent Purchases of a Service Partner and Total Successful first purchase of his/her immediate down line (the persons referred by). Indirect Business Value is the Total Successful first purchase of two steps down line and Total Successful subsequent purchases of the immediate down line of a Service Partner. E.g., A sends a referral link to B and B purchases the product, here B’s first purchase will be considered as Direct Business Value of A and B’s subsequent purchases will be considered as Direct Business Value of B himself/herself and Indirect Business Value of A. And if B sends a referral link to C and C purchases the product, then C’s First Purchase will be considered as Direct Business Value of B and Indirect Business Value of A. And C’s Subsequent purchases will be considered as Direct Business of C himself/herself and Indirect Business Value of B. The commissions will be calculated as percentages of the Business Values during a particular calendar month only i.e. January, February etc. The commissions will be calculated upto the month end of every month and will be credited to the wallet of the Service Partner after the successful delivery of the products (considered for the Business Value of a particular Service Partner). A Service Partner can withdraw the balance in his/her wallet to his/her bank account subject to a minimum amount of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred). COMMISSION STRUCTURE:*Business Value = Total Successful Purchases excluding Taxes and Delivery Charges if any, Rewards Show

Treue- und Prämienlinks

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Rewards Our Service Partners are the backbone of our Dream of making India fire safe. Any person after going through a successful purchase from us can become our Service Partner and then only He / She can make others aware regarding fire safety and refer to buy products from us. We have two types of rewards for our Service Partners, Direct Referral Commission (calculated on Direct Business Value) and Indirect Referral Commission (calculated on Indirect Business Value). Direct Business Value is the Total Successful Subsequent Purchases of a Service Partner and Total Successful first purchase of his/her immediate down line (the persons referred by). Indirect Business Value is the Total Successful first purchase of two steps down line and Total Successful subsequent purchases of the immediate down line of a Service Partner. E.g., A sends a referral link to B and B purchases the product, here B’s first purchase will be considered as Direct Business Value of A and B’s subsequent purchases will be considered as Direct Business Value of B himself/herself and Indirect Business Value of A. And if B sends a referral link to C and C purchases the product, then C’s First Purchase will be considered as Direct Business Value of B and Indirect Business Value of A. And C’s Subsequent purchases will be considered as Direct Business of C himself/herself and Indirect Business Value of B. The commissions will be calculated as percentages of the Business Values during a particular calendar month only i.e. January, February etc. The commissions will be calculated upto the month end of every month and will be credited to the wallet of the Service Partner after the successful delivery of the products (considered for the Business Value of a particular Service Partner). A Service Partner can withdraw the balance in his/her wallet to his/her bank account subject to a minimum amount of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred). COMMISSION STRUCTURE:*Business Value = Total Successful Purchases excluding Taxes and Delivery Charges if any,


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  • Online-Guthaben: Folgen Sie dem Link zur offiziellen Programm-Website des Händlers. Sie müssen die Kontonummer und die PIN eingeben, um das Kartenguthaben abzurufen.
  • Telefonanruf: Rufen Sie die Support-Nummer des Händlers an und geben Sie Kartendetails an, damit Sie Prämienpunkte am Telefon erhalten können.
  • Rechnung/Quittung: Die restlichen Punkte der Karte sind auf der Einkaufsrechnung/Quittung aufgedruckt.
  • Store Counter: In der Regel können die Programmpunkte im Shop oder Store Counter nachgeschlagen werden

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