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Einblicke in Treue und Prämien

  • Eternally Loved & Earnesly Longing – Romans 8, Part 3 DesiringFruitfulness. Dare to Bear the Choicest Fruit Menu + × expanded collapsed Home; Blog; Lite Blog; Podcasts; Choices; About; Testimonies
  • The Future is in His Name – DesiringFruitfulness What limitations are confronting you? Do they impede your ability to flourish or deter you from your calling? Who said that you shouldn''t pursue your God-given dreams? If God placed a righteous passion in your heart, will He not fulfill His purposes in and through you? Today, let''s delve into Hebrews 5 to gain more insight and…
  • Dare to Understand Romans 9? – DesiringFruitfulness Romans 9 has caused readers to question, debate and form various opinions that sometimes separate believers. From what I can find, questions and conclusions about God''s election have been recorded since Augustine’s book “Confessions,” written in 397/398 A.D., and Pelagius’s response to Augustine in 405 A.D. Then the debate continued through centuries up to this…
  • Dare to Understand Romans 9? Part 1 -Lite (37 min) When reading Romans 9, it is so easy to miss God’s unmerited grace and incredible mercy because of the difficulty we have in digesting how a God who loves His creation can choose not to forgive everyone. Well, going deep into this chapter has caused me to see things from a different viewpoint; God’s. I’m…
  • The Believer’s Eternal Rewards – DesiringFruitfulness The assignment of reward or loss results in the appointment to PERMANENT/ETERNAL setting, work, and authority. Rewards: Assignments: Judge the world under Christ, Judge angels under Christ (1 Corinthians 6:2-3) Reign with Christ on Earth (2 Timothy 2:12; Revelation 5:10) Kings and priests to God (Revelation 5:10; Revelation 3:21) Crowns:
  • Those who Have Ears to Hear (Romans 10) – DesiringFruitfulness Have you ever felt frustrated because you have been misunderstood and your attempts to reach someone have not been received despite the copious expressions through spoken word, written text, and actions? I have. Sometimes, I think that if I could just communicate an idea differently, my friend, family member, or acquaintance would understand and then…
  • The Heart That Never Cries – DesiringFruitfulness Yesterday following a robust discussion in our local bible study, I was asked a question by a fellow student of the Word of God who was trying to grasp HOW a person can possibly live in eternity and never morn unsaved loved-ones who are forever tormented and separated from those who live with God. I respect for this person’s investment into the their individual study of – and ...
  • Seed Plot (Part 2) The Royal Offer to Wed – DesiringFruitfulness “Part 1” of this blog called “Seed Plot, The Preeminent in Our Place” started with questions about whether one man could save world. If you didn’t review it, you may want to check it out. Now we head into “Part 2” which explains how God’s intervention (His introduction of a new kind of human) was the provision of reconciliation to the Godhead based on faith alone that yields ...
  • Can You Stand to be Blessed? – Lite (35 min) – DesiringFruitfulness How would you define a blessed person? Is it having great wealth, good health, a loving family, trustworthy friends, and favour in society? I certainly think those things can be blessings, but depending on the effects on you (or your development), they may not be.What about people who have all of those things, but do not know Christ?
  • Can You Stand to Be Blessed? – DesiringFruitfulness How would you define a blessed person? Is it having great wealth, good health, a loving family, trustworthy friends, and favour in society? I certainly think those things can be blessings, but depending on the effects on you (or your development), they may not be. What about people who have all of those things, but do not know Christ?…

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Einblicke in Treue- und Prämienpunkte

  • The Benevolent Covenant of Grace is His Binding Commitment When contemplating the intricacies of the universe''s design and life within it, I cannot even begin to comprehend the Creator’s precision. There is a deliberate order whether we understand it or not. I marvel at how God prophetically revealed redemption using history as both a mechanism and proof to help willing humans enter this very specific way to be reconciled…
  • Hidden in Christ in the Beauty of His Holiness – DesiringFruitfulness Why not read along for the benefit of the music and charts? Have you ever experienced moments when the mind, emotions and the very process of breathing seemed to be in tune with the beauty of God’s majesty? It is so easy to get distracted from that place when the reality of whatever is confronting…
  • Seen and Loved – A Call to Worship – DesiringFruitfulness God is not detached from His creation; He is active in it and deliberately so. God selected Abraham (Abram) and promised to make him a great nation (Genesis 12) and his wife Sarah (Sarai) was barren (Genesis 11: 30).After Sarah told Abraham to sleep with her maidservant, Hagar conceived a child (Ishmael) from Abraham (Genesis 16:1-4).She then fled from Sarah who had treated her harshly in ...
  • Scriptural Proof of Election – Lite (5 min) – DesiringFruitfulness John also understood God’s desire to redeem the human race; Christ’s love for each believer; and, the need for those who will be glorified in heaven to share this type of love. Understanding the wrath, love, forgiveness and fellowship of the Godhead, John wanted believers to have assurance.
  • Seed Plot, The Preeminent in Our Place – DesiringFruitfulness Well, if one human’s actions could sentence the species, why couldn’t one redeem it? Seems logical, doesn’t it? But the vast amount of people tend to dismiss the concepts of (1) the problem of humanity’s intrinsic spiritual depravity; (2) the solution of a new kind of Human being (the God-Man); and, (3) the endowed provision ...
  • Humility in God’s Election (Romans 9) – DesiringFruitfulness It seems as though much of the world is in distress due to conflicts between and within nations, governments, social frameworks, faith groups, and families. There are many converging issues while approaching a dimly seen pinnacle from a human temporal perspective. Dissatisfaction is rampant because so many people''s reasonable expectations are confronted by opposing strategies, policies,…
  • What the Chosen do with Scars – DesiringFruitfulness Do you regret things you have said or done? I have memories that sometimes I wish I could erase. We all have! Regret isn’t merely an outcome of consequences. Certainly some regret comes from our poor decisions while others are imposed on us from another''s actions. For believers, regret can be an indication of growth; it…
  • The Message in a Body – DesiringFruitfulness Spotify Version does not have songs, video, or illustrative charts. Scripture in the book of Isaiah contains such a beautiful prophecy about the promised Messiah purposely born to establish His Kingdom on the throne of David forever; His name - God; His rule - justice; He is Wonderful, Counselor, and the Prince of Peace. Rabbis…
  • Bride of Christ – DesiringFruitfulness Could it be true? What if a single human representative could successfully champion the human race? Could one man be the title-holder, the defender, the victor, the reigning champion who can never be defeated despite being fully human? Well, if one human’s actions could sentence the species, why couldn’t one redeem it?

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